
I am going to keep this as simple and to the point as possible. Which is difficult for me as I have a tendency to ramble on and on.

We are simply, Kim & John Sager, Parents, Business Owners, eBay Sellers, Pickers, Treasure Hunters, Scrappers, Hauling & Movers, Autism Awareness Advocates, and most importantly we are every day ordinary people. So which one of us is writing in this blog, and elsewhere online? That would be “Kim”. I am the internet person, phone person, flyer person, contest runner, auction lister and so on. Basically if it is being done via internet or phone it is most likely me. If it has to do with lifting something heavy, loading a truck, etc. that would be John. We both help each other in every aspect of everything and anything we do, be it family, fun, or business but we both also have the main things that we like to have control of pretty much.

Here on our blog you will be finding many interesting & helpful posts, or so I hope they will be. If you are curious about becoming a scrapper then you will learn here how to recycle metal for profit. If you are interested in Storage Auctions, you will read about them here also. Your interested in re-selling online – selling on eBay or other sites? I will be blogging about that also. We have experience in Metal scrapping, eBay selling, other online auction venues, storage auctions, estate sales, re-selling, Couponing, advertising, shopping Craigslist to re-sell for a profit, and much much more. All of these things I will be sharing tips, tricks, and stories about our adventures.

Wait that is not all…. I love to meet new people, and love having fun and smiling. So on our blog, Twitter, Facebook etc. You will be finding contests & games of all sorts through the year. They will always be simple contests, and most of the time will have a REAL prize sent to the winner!!! As a matter of fact since we are just starting up on Social Media sites after a 2 year Hiatus from internet sales, and pretty much the internet all together…. I am throwing  party of sorts in honor of All the Social Media Networks out there. Our very next Blog post will be all about the this party, and how you can enter to win. What will the rules be? I promise they will be simple ones that anyone can join in, whether it be with one entry, two entries or multiple entries. What is the prize? With our inventory… who knows? Shhhh I am not telling until the next post tomorrow so you will have to check back to find out and join in.

I may change the layout of this Blog a few times over the next few days. If any other WordPress users out there have any words of advice as far as the layout, or any advice really… please just contact us through here on our blog or on Twitter , Facebook, or even eBay and share your comments or tips. We greatly appreciate it. Thanks – and see you tomorrow for the FIRST of many contests to come.

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